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> The colours of 4 colour sprites are generally different from the colours
> of the screen. I have never known why this is. I would like to make a
> colour in one of my sprites glow with a flash command but I don't know how
> to program this.
Sprite colours are separate to screen colours on a 16 colour screen... I
think they are stored in colour registers 16-32.. or round about... So I
think It should be possible with a flash declaration like...
Flash 16, " {Declaration here!}
> When I put a bob up on the screen and then I put another bob behind it I
> cannot see the bob behind the first even if the first bob is mostly colour
> zero. You see, I would like colour zero in the first bob to be transparent
> so I could see the second bob beyond the image of the first. As it stands
> quare blocks out everything behind the square. "set mask" does not seem to
> address this problem.
Issue a "Make Mask" command!
> Does anyone know how to listen to a 600k sample with the .wav suffix?
Na! Try "Bload"ing it, and using the Sam Raw command??
> I checked out Michele's "fantasy" game in the "game/shoot" section of
> aminet, but I don't understand why I'm supposed to shoot at these
> homeless people on the streets of a colourful city. And who is that
> sinister person in the chartreuse hood that strolls across the screen
> and why does it take four shots to kill him? Aside from these disturbing questions it is a colourful and unique game that I cannot fathom. Grazie, Signor!
> And while I'm at it whoever posted to the amos-list that we should check
> out the "Bambi meets Godzilla" animation on aminet should have mentioned
> that it is a monstrous (700k) file and will not run on a 3.5 meg 1 Chip
> RAM machine and in fact it appears to have little to do with amos.